Blog Post 5

I've been a user of Twitter since 2014 so I am actually pretty familiar with it! I first used it to interact with my fellow classmates and friends but now I find a bunch of useful information and entertainment on Twitter. There are many times where I learn about something first on Twitter and then hear about it on the news or something of the sort, plus, many people are knowledgable themselves on Twitter. Lately, I interacted with one of the edchats and I found it so unique. I loved how there were teachers who expressed themselves and their concerns but also give out tips that were helpful to them that may help others. I now see a different way of utilizing Twitter and can definitely see it benefiting my career, given there are loads of information I can learn from my PLN. 

The digital divide is something I have been concerned about for a while. Growing up, I always never had equal access to technology like my peers did. Including at home, I either had to depend on going to the library or getting the work done at school because I did not have any kind of computer to work on at home. In a sense, this made me more disciplined and work harder/faster because I knew what I lacked back home, in another sense I believe it hindered my success a little given that I knew I could've put more effort into different projects had I had the necessary tools. I believe teachers, administrators, and all should be aware of this as I believe lessons can be formatted around this digital divide which will make those who don't have easy access to technology more comfortable with completing the lesson. 

Educational software has been the new way of learning during our digital age! Although there are plenty, as a future educator, I would like to implement something common and simple to use such as Kahoot. As a previous intern, I have already implemented Kahoot practices when teaching my students about different theatre terms which gave them a refresher of what is needed to be understood before continuing my lesson. As I looked further into educational software, I discovered a platform named Ted-ed that allows creating educational lessons with the collaboration of teachers, students, animators—generally people who want to expand knowledge and good ideas. Teachers and students have access to all different kinds of subjects of different student levels. Many times, students become tired of lectures and powerpoints, therefore incorporating this form of video presentation makes the lesson all the more interesting and impactful. 


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