Blog Post 9
I've never been opposed to the idea of distance learning given that when the pandemic began, I was finishing my junior year of college. I've already experienced the hectic mess of trying to find parking, the lack of motivation to show up to classes at times, and I was in a constant rotation of going to school, sitting there for a few hours, coming back, going to work, then doing homework, ya know... college things. Given that I am a theatre major, it was so different experiencing some of my classes virtually. Now that I am in my senior year, I found myself having more flexibility to form healthier habits throughout my day and to go about my classes. There are some limitations, of course, such as class being less interactive, sometimes it is harder to engage with the material given that you can easily find yourself doing other things while in class, and certainly I do not wish for this to be a lifetime experience. I see it as a quick little break to focus on ourselves and recogn...